New Super Marisa Land Free Download

New Super Marisa Land Free Download

New Super Marisa Land Free Download PC Game, Marisa had found some 6 rare Mushrooms that had strange powers but unfortunately some mischievous fairies (Sunny Milk, Luna Child and Star Saphire) made a fuss at her home causing an explosion and sending all the mushrooms flying to many places different from Gensokyo,

so Marisa goes on the lookout for the 6 mushrooms that have a side effect to people who have it. It is a platform game very similar to Mario Bros where you acquire various powers that will facilitate (or hinder) your progress.


See the instructions ?

(See instructions if you don't know how to install: Instructions on how to install)

1. Extract/Install.
2. Crack if needed.
3. Play game. Have fun ^^
4. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: