Half-Life 2: The Orange Box PC Download

Half-Life 2: The Orange Box PC Download

About This Game

Half-Life 2: The Orange Box is a legendary pack that contains several of Valve’s most popular titles in a single installation. Among the games that we can find in this batch are: Half-Life 2 with its respective episodes 1 and 2 as well as Portal, the game that combines puzzles, first-person action and adventure.

Half-Life 2 is the sequel to the Half-Life video game. While still similar to the original, HL 2 introduces new concepts to the series, such as physics-based puzzles and vehicle sections. The game takes place in the fictional City 17 and the surrounding areas, as the player assumes the role of scientist Gordon Freeman.

Freeman finds himself thrust into a dystopian environment where the aftermath of the events of Half-Life have deeply influenced human society, and he is forced to fight against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to survive.